The ERDCWERX Process


ERDCWERX is an innovation hub of DEFENSEWERX, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It was created under a Partnership Intermediary Agreement between DEFENSEWERX and the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) to serve as a neutral facilitator and help identify new partnerships for innovation and commercialization.

What is a partnership intermediary?

A partnership intermediary is a not-for-profit entity or agency which is owned, chartered, funded, or operated in whole or in part by a State or local government “that assists, counsels, advises, evaluates, or otherwise cooperates with small business firms” or educational institutions “that need or can make demonstratively productive use of technology-related assistance from a Federal laboratory” (Authority: 15 USC 3715).

How does the partnership intermediary benefit the ERDC?

The partnership intermediary allows the ERDC to

  • drive technologies faster, more cost-effectively, and through more channels to meet warfighter needs, accelerating tech transition
  • identify new opportunities for collaboration, leveraging ERDC technologies, IP portfolios, and unique testing and facility capabilities;
  • solve complex technical challenges, find new solution providers; structure partnerships and facilitate technology transfer opportunities; and
  • create new business environments, enable the ERDC to do tasks that are difficult or impossible inside the fence, and discover unrealized opportunities that convert innovation into valued outcomes.

Is there a cost to join the ERDCWERX ecosystem?

There is no cost to sign up/join the ERDCWERX ecosystem. Those signed up will directly receive announcements regarding new project opportunities. The ecosystem sign-up form can be accessed here.

Who are current participants in the ERDCWERX ecosystem?

The ERDCWERX ecosystem represents individuals who have requested to be added to a mailing list. Additionally, the list is supplemented with the names of individuals whose skills or organizational capabilities could be a fit for current or upcoming projects.

How do I join the ERDCWERX ecosystem?

The ecosystem sign-up form can be accessed here.

Once I join the ERDCWERX ecosystem, what are the next steps?

Please watch for project announcements via email. Some projects will have open submission schedules while others will have specific deadlines. We encourage recipients to share project announcements with others in your network that you believe may have a potential interest or fit.

Who can join the ERDCWERX ecosystem?

Any individual, company, federal/non-federal agency, consortium, etc. Joining the ecosystem links you to ERDCWERX by adding you to the email distribution list which supports instant notification regarding all ERDCWERX opportunities.