ERDCWERX events and tech challenges discover new commercial opportunities to solve challenging warfighter problems. We leverage the DEFENSEWERX ecosystem to collaborate and innovate for the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). Individuals, startups, small businesses, large enterprises, academics, and research labs are invited to submit solutions to specific tech challenges and other opportunities launched by ERDCWERX in collaboration with the ERDC.

Contracts and Agreements Awarded
- Collaborate with ERDC for a path to a potential contract/agreement

Impactful Projects
- Innovate with the federal government
- Support the warfighter
- Generate new market opportunity

Simple Submission
- Brief white paper or submission form
- Easy upload
- Quick turnaround

Open to All
- No consortium or cost
- No registration is required to submit
- Accommodates a broad range of Technology Readiness Levels