The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)’s Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) seeks solutions enabling the development of advancement tools for more efficient construction in Arctic conditions. A total of up to $868,000 is available to make several awards for solutions that deliver new methodologies, tools, models, etc. for cold weather construction.
Review of the marketplace and peer-reviewed literature suggests partial solutions may exist among some research units, but full solutions tailored to these specific Department of Defense (DOD) requirements do not appear to exist. ERDC seeks solutions (such as new methodology, techniques, etc.) to address challenges with Arctic infrastructure construction related to:
- Focus Area 1: Arctic Pavement Construction and Design
- Best practices for base/subbase/subgrade preparation
- Methods/techniques for base and subgrade preparation in permafrost
- Predictive model for pavement design in Arctic
- Case studies/best practices for full depth construction
- Novel materials/methods for cold weather construction
- Focus Area 2: Construction Equipment Preparation for Cold Regions Pavements
- Methods/techniques for cold-hardening construction and paving equipment for rigid and/or flexible pavements
- Novel materials, methods, and equipment for cold weather construction
Project Objective
The primary objective of this Individual Program Requirement (IPR) is to develop new, or advance existing partial solutions to deliver full solutions that address one or both of the focus areas below.
- Focus Area 1: Arctic Pavement Construction and Design
- ERDC seeks solutions to enhance capabilities for new construction in Arctic regions, especially with permafrost conditions for soil stabilization, rigid pavement, and flexible pavement construction. These may include and are not limited to: new methodology with corresponding guidance, novel materials or applications for existing materials, or predictive tools to improve durability.
- Focus Area 2: Construction Equipment Preparation for Cold Regions Pavements
- ERDC seeks solutions to improve equipment/tool capacity in cold weather. These may include and are not limited to: equipment/tool recommendations with corresponding description of requirements and case studies, novel applications/methods for existing equipment, novel materials and corresponding guidance for use, applications specific to construction equipment and DOD equipment.
Project Manager
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
ERDC invites pre-proposals that introduce solutions addressing one or both of the focus areas. All potential solutions will be considered against the program requirements and technology readiness levels.
To be considered, a pre-proposal must clearly:
- Identify whether it is addressing Focus Area 1 or 2, or both focus areas
- Identify the nature of intended end state of the solution, specifically: new technology; new process; new method; new application of existing technology, process, or method
- Demonstrate strong understanding of (and experience with) existing methods and specifications and provide novel construction approaches in cold regions/conditions (<40˚F)
- Present an initial test plan outlining how work will be completed, solutions tested/evaluated to prove efficacy, and how/what products will be delivered including: schedule, material(s) evaluated, method for evaluation, risk assessment, and deliverables
- Demonstrate understanding of DOD criteria (Unified Facilities Guide Specifications, Unified Facilities Criteria) where necessary.
Submissions should exhibit a deep understanding of current methods and specifications for cold climates under 40˚F. Submissions should NOT include confidential or proprietary details.
Estimated Government Funding Profile
Phase I: Downselect by ERDC
Phase II: Up to $868,000 for the full requirement
*Multiple solutions may be awarded
All resultant contracts will be firm-fixed price. All items, technologies, and services (including research and development) procured via this CSO are treated as commercial. The Contracting Officer must determine the price fair and reasonable prior to award.
Estimated Period of Performance
Estimated 12 months for delivery of Phase II solutions; proposals with slightly longer Phase II periods of performance may be considered. Phase III unfunded options TBD; period of performance based on scope.
Desired End State
Effective solutions that provide new remote sensing and predictive tools or methodologies for snow-covered regions will enable timely planning and decision-making for the warfighter.
Evaluation Criteria
Submissions will be reviewed based on the criteria described in ERDC’s CSO Solicitation document by ERDC subject matter experts. Submissions may be shared as appropriate with other ERDC stakeholders. The government has the authority to decline all submitted proposals. The government does not plan to engage in the debrief process outlined in FAR part 15 but will provide feedback to unsuccessful offerors as appropriate and at its discretion.
Notional Project Schedule
Proposed project milestones include:
December 6, 2024 | Project Announced, Submissions Open for Phase I |
January 6, 2025 | Question Period Ends, FAQs Finalized |
January 13, 2025 | Submissions Close for Phase I |
January 14-31, 2025 | ERDC Evaluation Period for Phase I |
February 3, 2025 | Participants Selected for Phase II are Notified by ERDC |
March 3, 2025 | Phase II Full Proposal Deadline |
TBD | Phase II Full Proposal Evaluation Period |
TBD | Anticipated Phase II Awards |
*Dates may vary to accommodate project team and participant availability.
Project Security Classification
How to Participate
- Review CSO Solicitation document
- Review FAQs
- Complete the submission form
Submission Instructions: This solicitation is issued consistent with the authority granted to the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) through the establishment of its Commercial Solutions Opening (CSO), W913E524SC001. Submissions must follow the requirements as detailed in the CSO Solicitation document.
Interested parties may submit questions using this form until January 6, 2025.
Submissions must meet stated requirements and be received no later than 4:00 pm CT on January 13, 2025.
ERDC-CRREL is conducting this project announcement on a full and open basis and intends to award contracts in accordance with FAR part 12 and the FAR part that is deemed most appropriate for the solution proposed (i.e. FAR part 13, 15, and/or 35); the government reserves the right to award prototype agreements (e.g. Other Transaction Agreements), in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 4022, if deemed appropriate and in the government’s best interest.